Only £10

How to Build Your Portfolio

And get work in the film industry.

What you'll get:

  • Valuable insight into who to contact
  • A complete guide on what to put in your portfolio
  • a framework that you can apply to any situation where you are trying to secure a contract

What People Are Saying:

I have been desperate to move into film design from architecture for years having seen a few of my peers do it I was always worried to take the leap myself because I wasn't confident that I would know how to do it or even where to start, who to call or how to make contacts. This webinar laid it all out in a really concise way and I finally have the confidence to jump from architecture to film. Luke is great at answering emails and DMs too as I had so many other questions.

Sarah Leech

When I left university I had no idea where to even start when it came to looking for work in the industry. this webinar has taught me more in two hours than 3 years on my degree. I recently secured an art department assistant role on a Netflix feature after using your portfolio advice.

Kevin Holton